And here's Captain Beregond, finally. I didn't do as much converting as I'd have liked for fear of ruining the model; but I think I got what I was going for (read: if you have an extra Beregond, give it to me so I can hack it to tiny pieces and start mixing parts). He's mostly done, he still needs basing, and a black ink wash on the armour. The leather could probably due with another coat to hide the failed filing some more. Also, the mouth is currently Shadow Grey; it ought to just be Chaos Black but I seem to be out at the moment. Anyway, here's the pic:

Now that I have Legend of the High Seas, I'm working on a Pirate Crew. A quick pic of some WiPs:

Up next: finish the above crew; finish the Corsairs. Also, Roman Legions (long term).
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